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Coronavirus is spreading in the UK and the Government is seeking ways to minimize its spread.

A worst-case scenario, if nothing is done, could see 80% of people infected.

The UK Government Takes Precaution

The government's strategy has been changing quickly over recent weeks.
It started off trying to contain the outbreaks by isolating people who tested positive and asking anyone who had close contact with them to self-isolate too.
In early March, ministers accepted that was no longer viable so instead introduced policies to delay and reduce the peak.
The idea was that by pushing the peak back to the summer it would allow the NHS to cope.
But new modeling released by Imperial College London then prompted a change in approach.
It warned the policy of a managed spread could still lead to more than 250,000 deaths with hospital intensive care units getting overwhelmed.
Ministers are now seeking to suppress the spread completely - hoping in the process to keep deaths below 20,000.

The UK News Government Takes Somes Steps against Coronavirus 

The government is taking arguably the most drastic steps in peacetime.
The public is essentially being asked to reduce social contact, with the strongest warnings for the most vulnerable. UK Distribution Sites

Those who show symptoms, and those they live with, are being asked not to leave their homes.

  • Anyone with a fever or persistent cough should stay at home for seven days if they live alone or 14 days if they live with others. Anyone who lives with someone displaying coronavirus symptoms should also stay at home for 14 days. People who have to isolate themselves should ask others for help
  • Everyone should stop non-essential contact with others. This is particularly important for people over 70, those with underlying health conditions and pregnant women
  • People should work from home where they can
  • People should avoid places like pubs, clubs, and theatres. This applies especially to those in London which is "a few weeks ahead" of the rest of the UK Political News
  • People should stop all unnecessary travel
  • By the weekend, those with the most serious health conditions - around 1.4 million with conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, or asthma - should be shielded from social contact for 12 weeks

Coronavirus: What you need to know graphic featuring three key points: wash your hands for 20 seconds; use a tissue for coughs; avoid touching your face

The government says its previous advice also remains, which is that everyone should regularly wash their hands and avoid contacting the NHS unless it's essential.

Why are schools still open?

Schools and universities are not being asked to close.
But the evidence informing the government does acknowledge this may be necessary for the future.
There are several issues to consider.
Children are not badly affected - it is thought hardly any of those infected even develop symptoms.
There is, therefore, some debate about whether they actually play much part in spreading it.
Closing schools would mean parents having to take time off work - this is particularly pressing for health workers.
The option remains on the table with government officials suggesting it may be needed at some point.

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